
Future Dyson robot vacuums could finally climb and clean your stairs

Hereafter Dyson robot vacuums could finally climb and clean your stairs

Dyson 360 Heurist Robot Vacuum Cleaner
(Epitome credit: Dyson)

Robot vacuum cleaners accept come and so far that they're beginning to rival upright models in operation. Gone are the days of a bulky, obtrusive box bumping into a wall repeatedly, as nosotros run into sophisticated cocky-emptying designs which map out the rooms to summate the best route.

And the advancement doesn't stop there — Dyson has simply filed a patent application for a robot vacuum cleaner which can actually climb the stairs!

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Dyson has built up a reputation for its unusual designs and rightly and then when you consider how iconic some of its products have become. From air purification to hair care and, of course, vacuum cleaners, Dyson has slowly and successfully branched out into new sectors and now commands a presence in each market place.

Dyson has already released a robot vacuum cleaner, the Dyson 360 Heurist Robot Vacuum Cleaner. Withal, as you'd wait, it wants to have the design a step further, by potentially introducing an innovative robot vacuum cleaner which tin can climb stairs.

Dyson patent for robot vacuum cleaning climbing stairs

(Image credit: Dyson)

Every bit y'all can see from the illustrations in the patent, which was published on September 1, this theoretical robot vacuum would feature a set of "tri-star wheels" and a robotic arm. Information technology could use the robotic arm as leverage to push the body up the stairs as the wheels revolve on the flat of each step. And it would supposedly make clean in the process too and should be able to navigate its manner down the stairs one time it's done.

Equally with all patents, there's no way to know if this pattern will e'er hit the shop shelves. Many companies volition file patents just to secure the intellectual property.

What do nosotros call up?

In my personal experience with the Dyson 360 Heurist Robot Vacuum Cleaner, I've found that while the performance in terms of pick-up is good, the design struggles in its intelligence. And then it tin collect mess, just it tin't navigate as effectively every bit other brands.

I think earlier exploring new areas of innovation in pattern, the quality of the original product should be further developed. Dyson is always great in terms of suction and air-technology, but information technology'due south not quite in that location for robotics however.

Would this concept work?

There'south no reason why this concept wouldn't work and then long equally it was designed correctly. It would expand the robot vacuum market besides, providing a solution to those with more than than one level in their home.

Dyson patent for robot vacuum cleaner which can climb stairs

(Image credit: Dyson)

However, the added arm is going to make the design much more than bulky and it's difficult to tell how effectively information technology would clean the stairs as it climbs. Climbing the stairs is likely to exist a timely process as well. And so unless you lot run the robot vacuum when you're not at home, information technology's going to make it the way and could potentially exist a tripping gamble. It's a practiced idea, but the practicalities need to be considered.

Notwithstanding, this patent evidence that Dyson is certainly still a brand to watch when information technology comes to cleaning tech.

  • More: Here are the best robot mops you tin can buy

Katie looks after everything homes-related, from kitchen appliances to gardening tools. She also covers smart home products too, then is the best point of contact for any household communication! She has tested and reviewed kitchen appliances for over 6 years, so she knows what to look for when finding the best. Her favorite affair to test has to be stand up mixers equally she loves to bake in her spare fourth dimension.


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