
Oppo Air Glass is here to introduce you to 'assisted reality'

Oppo Air Glass is here to innovate you to 'assisted reality'

A view of the Oppo Air Glass with the display active
(Image credit: Oppo)

Oppo Air Glass is here, and information technology's a very dissimilar kind of article of clothing.

The Air Glass is an "aR device"; where the "a" stands for assisted reality and non the usual augmented reality. The difference, co-ordinate to Oppo, is that the Air Glass only projects 2D images onto the lens, rather than trying to return objects out in the globe in forepart of you.

Announced today as role of Oppo's Inno Day technology showcase upshot (you can read the summary here), these glasses seem to option up where the long-dead Google Drinking glass left off.

A close up of the Oppo Air Glass' lens

(Image credit: Oppo)

The "monocle waveguide," to give it its most authentic description, is powered past a Snapdragon Habiliment 4100, (usually found in smartwatches), and uses a coffee edible bean-sized "Spark Micro Projector" capable of up to 1,400 nits brightness and a microLED brandish to bring your notifications and apps in front of your eyes even in bright conditions. The whole thing weighs a delicate 30 grams (1.05 ounces) and comes in blackness or argent.

You then control Air Drinking glass with either touches to the housing, your vox, head and paw gestures or through an app unique to Oppo phones and wearables.

A person giving a speech wearing the Oppo Air Glass

(Image credit: Oppo)

Oppo lists "Weather, Calendar, Health, Teleprompter, Translation, and Navigation" equally some of the apps bachelor on the Air Glass. The translation feature, which displays a written translation of foreign language audio, plain works but for translating between Mandarin Chinese and English language currently, but back up for more languages is promised down the line.

A person riding a bicycle while wearing the Oppo Air Glass

(Image credit: Oppo)

However, these apps won't be delivered to you lot in all-singing, all-dancing color like you may be imagining. The display only works in grayscale, either at sixteen levels or 256 levels. Also, y'all don't vesture the Air Glass by itself. It attaches to specific Oppo-designed frames, either a black normal pair of glasses (aimed at people who already demand spectacles) or a silvery pair of one-half-frame glasses.

It won't be anywhere near as sophisticated as other upcoming AR products like the long-awaited Apple Glass, simply keeping things simple means Oppo'southward actually got a working product, fifty-fifty if information technology will exist hard to become agree of outside of Cathay. Air Drinking glass is receiving just a "limited release" in People's republic of china in Q1 of 2022.

Black and silver Oppo Air Glass in their charging cradles

(Image credit: Oppo)

If that didn't excite you, then peradventure some of Oppo's other announcements volition. It'south revealed its MariSilicon Ten NPU chip that will exist used in the next Oppo Detect X handset to meliorate its already excellent photography.

The last big thing to cheque out will be the company'southward start foldable, the Find North. This has already been leaked though, and information technology looks like a strong competitor to the Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3 that currently rules the foldables roost. Let's just hope that the Find N isn't a China-merely exclusive like the Air Drinking glass.

Richard is a Tom's Guide staff writer based in London, roofing news, reviews and how-tos for phones, gaming, audio and whatsoever else people need advice on. Following on from his MA in Magazine Journalism at the University of Sheffield, he's as well written for WIRED U.K., The Annals and Creative Bloq. When non at work, he's likely thinking about how to brew the perfect loving cup of specialty coffee.


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